
Showing posts from 2014

Lawyer and Bar Logo Design Session 3

Tuesday 9th December 2014 Session Review Continuing from last weeks session I have decided to leave the ancient gods alone for now and use animals instead. Thankfully, I have finally created a strong concept for the lawyer logo; however, I decided to use take further research into heraldry and since heraldry and historical culture sand design is a passion it will help add enthusiasm to designing the final lawyer logo. As for the town logo task It was nice to discover new facts and receive a deeper knowledge of both Sparkbrook and Hallgreen. I may add  that I thankfully learned only a few small new facts which is good because it proved to myself that I know both of my respective hometowns, ...... References http://www.empower-yourself-with-c...

Lawyer and Bar Logo Design Session 2

Thursday 4th December 2014 Session Review During today's session, I have simply browsed through my A3 sketchbook looking at my past work for this module and added any additional sketches on idea page; However, once I had finished making quick improvements to my existing work I continued working on the Fluffy Banks bar idea and drew different typography for the bar logo. So far I like the idea of having the gentleman rabbit moustache on the f and the f wearing the top hat. By Sebastian Jones

Worcester Student Map Session 4 & Lawyer and Bar Logo Design

Tuesday 2nd December, 2014 Session Review I had presented the map to the class as usual and despite me not thinking the route from st johns campus to the Hive thoroughly; Andy had given me some insightful feedback and encouraged me to expanded and improve on my existing idea of using a medieval map that incorporated Worcester's heritage and culture. Compared to the Worcester map assignment I feel this logo design will be in more accustomed to me since I have had past experience of logo design.( see log blah blah); However, for both logos, I had used a bunny rabbit since the company names must be called Fully Banks. Lawyer References Heraldry , Gods and Animal Symbolism Aztec Gods Itztlacoliuhqui Quetzalcoatl By Sebas...

Worcester Student Map Session 3

Monday 1st December 2014 last updated at 21:56 pm Session Review Continuing from last weeks session I am simply finding map-making guides because last week it wasn't the visual theme for the map; however, it was creating a map that actually guided you towards the Hive library in Worcester. Map Making Guides By Sebastian Jones

Worcester Student Map Session 2

Friday 28th November 2014 Session Review Following form last Tuesday I had begun to research medieval maps designs and other additional old world maps. Since the brief has stated that our map must be simple yet visually explain the route in an intriguing way I felt a medieval design would suit this task, Route References Visual  References By Sebastian Jones

Stress Task 2 and Worcester Student Map Session 1

Tuesday 125th   November 2014 Session Review Today's stress task went well, for I  enjoyed this one more compared to the first stress task. The reason being since I have learned additional knowledge that will be of good use to me; Not just for graphic design but, infographics may be another alternative for me to present information and data, in a visually appealing way for any future presentations. Reference h...

Anti Ageing Cream DesignTask

Tuesday 11th November 2014 Session Review This task certainly was interesting especially having to generate a viral concept for anti ageing cream produce by an Austrian scientific company known as Siin. This stress task certainly was interesting because the task forced the class and I to create a concept in no more than one hour. Reference By Sebastian Jones

Indian Summer Promotional Poster Design Session 4

Tuesday 11, November 2014  last updated 11:18 pm Session Review Following from yesterday evening I am going to draw some additional detail on my final rendering. So far attempting to draw the faces to the likeness of Kate Blanchett and Irrfan Khan is challenging... References h ttps:// Image References

Indian Summer Promotional Poster Design Session 3

Tuesday 4th, October 2014 Session Review After I had returned from Gruffalo talk. Our tutor Andy had placed the class in to groups discussing what they had done for their research. Andy had given the class and I useful advice as usual and we had performed a small task simply of minimalistic drawings a list of films. `i chose the famous silent film metropolis. By Sebastian Jones

Indian Summer Promotional Poster Design Session 2

Friday 31st , October 2014 Session Review  As I was in the comic book shop earlier today, I saw a graphic novel cover of spider man No more; The image of Peter Parker walking head down and Spider-Man sunset image which was very effective of him leaving one life behind .  This visual concept marries my concept well with my original idea of having the couple behind the setting sun. By Sebastian Jones

Indian Summer Promotional Poster Design Session 1

Tuesday 28th , October 2014 Session Review The new assignment we have been given will be fairly interesting since I will be planning and hand rendering a promotional film poster and this time we have been granted the option to use colour. So far I have gathered a substantial list of facts on both the book and film Indian Summer. BRIEF SUMMARY We are asking you to design a poster for a film. It’s a real film that happened to be canned – its up to you to research the film, the stars etc.! Film posters have a look that tells us it’s a poster for a film. Your film poster should have... a logo information some idea of how you are going to sell the film to your target audience SECONDARY RESEARCH TASKS • Research the film and book • What is it about? • When is it all set? • Is it a true story – hint yes! • What would it have looked like? • What other films has Joe Wright done? Hint they all look similar • Who would have gone to see it? References ...

Nursery Rhyme Book Final Session

Tuesday 28th,  October 2014 Session Review I have finally created the final pictogram that depicts the tale of three billy goats gruff. To evaluate the final product I am mostly pleased with the bold simple tale. Although once the lesson began and the peer group session had begun my tutor Andy had given me some welcomed constructive criticism. Andy was deeply pleased with the product, however, explained how I could have made use of the negative space and drawn eyes for the final troll much like the one from my sketched ideas. By Sebastian Jones

Nursery Rhyme Book Session 4

Tuesday 21st,  October 2014 Session Review Today I have just cut out the printed billy goats gruff internet image references and placing them down onto my mood board. However, I will need to add more printed pictures and fill the page. I have also used my mood board to sketch out a broader range of visual ideas thanks to my moos board which greatly helped in sketching out a broader range of concepts. By Sebastian Jones

Nursery Rhyme Book Session 3

Sunday 19th October 2014 Session Review After considering other fairy tales stories such as Little Red Riding Hood, Rumpelstiltskin and Peter Pan. I have decided to go with my first choice of retelling the tale of the Billy Goats Gruff. I have first begun my research by sketching symbols that represent the three goats and a few symbols for the troll underneath he bridge. I have also written and broken down in simple stages the tale of the Billy Goats Gruff from my own memory. References D. L. Ashliman (2000). Three Billy Goats Gruff . [ONLINE] Available at: . [Last Accessed Sunday 19th , October 2014].  Visual References

Nursery Rhyme Book Session 2

Session Review In today's session, I have done undertaken secondary research on nursery rhymes by reading a few old books such as Peter Pan, Alice in wonderland and Puss in boots however despite them begin some of my favourite fairy tale stories. I have decided to go with another favourite that I do not own the tale of the Billy Goats Gruff which I feel is simple and straightforward enough for me to simplify visually using iconography. Next session I will be sketching out some icons for the goats and taking a look at existing symbols for zoos and parks with animal symbols on signs. By Sebastian Jones

Nursery Rhyme Book Session 1

Session Review I have been granted two weeks to design a simple nursery rhyme using iconography for the drawings of the characters and backgrounds. I have considered using the Billy Goats Gruff for my nursery rhyme tale, However, I will be considering to use basic and simple stories with characters that can be easily distinguished by symbols. By Sebastian Jones

Londn Fashion Week Final Session

Session Review I have finally finished working on the London fashion week poster. The sponsor for my London Fashion week promotional poster was eventually changed to Evien instead of Marmite. The final rendering of the poster went well, the style of the poster however has been greatly influenced by World War 2 propaganda posters. The Peer session went well and my tutor Andy had given some useful advice, as usual, explaining to me that I should work on my composition which is something i have heard a few times from Omid and in the past;. However,  I am aware of this and will study and practice in my time the perception of lights and shadows. By Sebastian Jones

London Fashion Week poster design (Session 1)

Friday 10th October 2014 Session Review Well for today's session after I finished working on today's Creative Digital Media (CDM) session. I have proceeded to sketch out some of the ideas I had swimming in my mind this week Tuesday in the class. However, I needed to do some secondary research on London Fashion Week more importantly this years event no mater tedious this may be. So I will also look at some previous existing mar mite quotes and marketing campaigns posters and adverts since I have chosen marmite as the sponsor behind this for this poster campaign. The to London Fashions Week website will be in the following link below for those of you are interested in fashion the event? Reference By Sebastian Jones

Personal Symbol Final Session

Tuesday 7th October 2014 Session Review Yesterday evening while returning to Birmingham on the train I seemed to construct logos that looked allot more refined and impressive compared to the sketches o created last Tuesday. While I was inking the final hand-rendered logo the pen the position of the ruler was wrong and I instead drew a  line extending. Though I was able to make use of this mistake and draw small lines on next to the circuitry making seem like small electrical wires adding to the cyber theme in the logo. I had also decided to chose a second sketch from the ideas page and I had chosen the crow because it would be a nice counterbalance to a technological symbol.  The design for the sketch though would have to be further developed yet the concept of having my name as part of the crow's feathers would remain. SoI had taken a look at some tribal tattoos, drawings and carvings. It has been over 3 months now since I had...

Personal Symbol Session 2

Sunday 5th October 2014 Session Review Tonight's session since went well I had just contributed some more rough doodles of ideas before I had chosen 3 sketched symbols that I felt could work as a personal symbol. However, I will soon have to choose by Tuesday afternoons Design: Skills and theory session. However, because I had to travel to Worcester earlier in the day and afternoon working on Crafting the Digital image film project which consumed the most of my homework time and pressing matter such as getting in contact with one of our group members who was absent for most of the short films production and reminding them to finish the final night time scenes. By Sebastian Jones

Personal Symbol Session 1

Friday 3rd October 2014 Session Review Following from Tuesday's session where the class and I had to study, develop and design a series of sketches and doodles that would evolve into a personal logo or symbol. I have taken the rough sketches and doodles that I have created from my sketchbook and pasted it into my A3 sketchbook ready to display the stages of development for my personal logo. However, since I am working on a film project with a fellow classmate form Crafting the Digital Image the final logo must have to wait until the key scenes for our pixillation film is completed. By Sebastian Jones

An analysis of promotional posters

Tuesday 30th September 2014 A study of advertisement and its effectiveness I will be identifying and analyzing two posters the first being a local advertisement poster called Dead Pixels a retro gaming event in Birmingham Mosley. The second poster I will study is a teaser poster for 2008 blockbuster The Dark Knight. How are these two posters persuasive? This poster persuades the audience because of basic text used for the retro pixelated font for the title “Dead Pixels”. Also the zombified mushroom from Mario also works well here because it visually tells us this is a retro game event and I assume the -1 up sign symbolises that this event is bringing arcade-style games back into the limelight again. Underneath the title arrows are used to point towards the text reading, “RETRO GAMING” , meaning the arrows could mean retro gaming here. The poster overall is simple and the text and fonts are clear enough to read and the zombie mushroom is enough visual detail for it to be...