
Showing posts from December, 2014

Lawyer and Bar Logo Design Session 3

Tuesday 9th December 2014 Session Review Continuing from last weeks session I have decided to leave the ancient gods alone for now and use animals instead. Thankfully, I have finally created a strong concept for the lawyer logo; however, I decided to use take further research into heraldry and since heraldry and historical culture sand design is a passion it will help add enthusiasm to designing the final lawyer logo. As for the town logo task It was nice to discover new facts and receive a deeper knowledge of both Sparkbrook and Hallgreen. I may add  that I thankfully learned only a few small new facts which is good because it proved to myself that I know both of my respective hometowns, ...... References http://www.empower-yourself-with-c...

Lawyer and Bar Logo Design Session 2

Thursday 4th December 2014 Session Review During today's session, I have simply browsed through my A3 sketchbook looking at my past work for this module and added any additional sketches on idea page; However, once I had finished making quick improvements to my existing work I continued working on the Fluffy Banks bar idea and drew different typography for the bar logo. So far I like the idea of having the gentleman rabbit moustache on the f and the f wearing the top hat. By Sebastian Jones

Worcester Student Map Session 4 & Lawyer and Bar Logo Design

Tuesday 2nd December, 2014 Session Review I had presented the map to the class as usual and despite me not thinking the route from st johns campus to the Hive thoroughly; Andy had given me some insightful feedback and encouraged me to expanded and improve on my existing idea of using a medieval map that incorporated Worcester's heritage and culture. Compared to the Worcester map assignment I feel this logo design will be in more accustomed to me since I have had past experience of logo design.( see log blah blah); However, for both logos, I had used a bunny rabbit since the company names must be called Fully Banks. Lawyer References Heraldry , Gods and Animal Symbolism Aztec Gods Itztlacoliuhqui Quetzalcoatl By Sebas...

Worcester Student Map Session 3

Monday 1st December 2014 last updated at 21:56 pm Session Review Continuing from last weeks session I am simply finding map-making guides because last week it wasn't the visual theme for the map; however, it was creating a map that actually guided you towards the Hive library in Worcester. Map Making Guides By Sebastian Jones