
Showing posts from January, 2015

Photograph Task 2

Session Review Today's session was satisfactory as I traveled to the jewelry quarter in Birmingham city centre and captureed two photographs of a tower at a graveyard they way the tower looks I could draw the top half of the twoer as a chess puiece head. The other photograph I manged to capture was of two large trees that stood opposite each other and resembled a star gate or mystical portal to me so I could could cut out the space between the trees and draw a portal shoud I choose to print these partuclar image. By Sebastian Jones

Photograph Task 1

Session Review As I ventured to the Birmingham city centre I traveled around and photographed some pictures of the St Annes church and another old gothic church. The photographs for the hcurch once a cetiain section is cut out could be replaced with hand drawn bats to make it seem like a vampiric building. By Sebastian Jones

Comparing two posters from History Session 1

Monday 19th January 2915 Session Review Figure A Today I have created a basic structure for my essay on comparing two posters from history. I have chosen to study to propaganda posters from different eras , the first being a world war one recruitment poster titled "Britain needs you at once" (figure a) and the second one ???. I have managed to find some reliable sources of information on the internet as a start and heeded what my tutor Andy Davidson said about looking for academic websites  containing .edu , .gov  or org at the end. References

Lawyer and Bar Logo Design Final Session

Tuesday 13th January 2015 Session Review It has been some time since I have written another production log for this module; however, during the Christmas holiday period I continued to sketch additional ideas for the fluffy baks lawyer firm logo. It would seem my continued research into ancient deities has paid off since I have found the great Egyptian goddess Ma'at and used her symbol of the feather for fluffy banks. Since the feather would be fluffy but stands for a symbol of order and law. I have also prepared two A3 display folders for all of my current final design work and for the supporting research pieces. References,1309900288,4/stock-vector-feather-80477017.jpg