
Showing posts from February, 2015

Book Cover Cover Session 1

Session Review Continuing from the infographic poster presentation, the class and I looked int the art of book cover design and the breif at the end of session was to design a book cover for penguin books design award competition. References,_or_Ramses_the_Damned file:///Volumes/Students-2/jons2_14/Downloads/dorian-gray%20(1).pdf PENGUIN BOK COVER AWARD SITE BELOW By Sebastian Jones

Infographics Task Final Session

Tuesday 24th February 2015 Session Review In the events of todays session I have drawn the final hand rendered infographic poster;however, I had to browse through the internet for additional reference images. Once the class session had begun the class and I took it in turns to discuss and display each one of our hand rendered infogtaphic poster. Once it was time to display my own poster the feedback I received was truthful stating I have to work on m¥ composition which is a recurring piece of advice that has followed me since my studies in college for art or design based tasks. References By Sebastian Jones

Infographics Task Session Three

Sunday 21st February 2015 Session Review During today's session I have returned to browsing the internet for reliable survey results conducted by organizations. So far I have found a survey by scholastic on school uniforms. Nevertheless, after having to browse with key words such as "most popular" I was able to find an Australian survey from 2013 of students most popular fruit and vegetable. Reference By Sebastian Jones

Comparing two posters from History Session 2

Friday 20th February 2015 Session Review After struggling to find further topics to discuss in my essay I talked to fellow classmates and my lecturer to gain some advice and insight in topics they had discussed. This was worthwhile because they informed me that they had talked about the designers of the poster or discussed the history of poster and advertisement. I have decided to research the history of posters and its role in the advertisement since it may be more relevant to my essay so long as history is brief. I have also discovered so online articles and observed their design and layouts. References By Sebastian Jones

Timed Brief Class Session Two

Friday 20th February 2015 last updated at 12:07pm Session Review I have returned to working on my skin cream leaflet poster before I return to researching about infographics for the infographics poster. References By Sebastian Jones

Timed Brief Class Session One

Tuesday 17th February 2015 Session Review We had to make a skin cream poster and leaflet based on  my understanding and perception on Roland Bartts extract on water and grease. References By Sebastian Jones

Infographics Task Session Two

Tuesday 17th February 2015 Session Review During todays session I continued to research what infographics are and attempted to build a collection of reliable sources of data  and other information that have the potential to visually interoperated. I had discovered a reliable source that defined and explained the purpose of infographics. Furthermore, from what I have read infographics must be a visual device used to educate and inform its audiences. It is common knowledge that the majority of infographic posters usually avoid the use of white backgrounds and similar to a presentation minimal text is used. References By Sebastian Jones

Inforgraphics Task Session One

Friday 13th February 2015 Session Review I have begun to undertake additional secondary research on infographics at the request of the class brief to design an A3 infographics poster visually depicted a set of information. Resources By Sebastian Jones

Roland Bartts Poster Homework

Monday 9th February 2015   Session Review   After a fellow classmate guided me to the Roland  Bartt Extract I read all three-page scans and have visualized a concept for the poster of which I will create a rough draft version tonight of soap powder war poster.   By Sebastian Jones

Photograph Task 3

Tuesday 3rd February 2015 Session Review Last night i browsed through the collection of photographs I managed to capture on my phone and selected 3 that in my opinion were suitable for elements of fantasy to included. My favorite in particular was the black and white photograph of the swamp I photographed near my home back in Birmingham and observing the image I immediately thought of the watcher (kraken) from the lord of the rings fellowship of the ring that attacked the fellowship outside the gates of Moria. So I proceeded to browse through google images of kraken sketches and I discovered two that were excellant references for drawing the tentacles. However, unfortunately I was not able to print the swamp photograph in A3 so I proceeded to print in the standard A4 size and stick the image over my kraken sketch in charcoal. Before the final submission of coursework I will have to possibly print the photograph again in A3 at the university. By Sebastian Jones